
Implementing a Regulated Liabilities Network

In this whitepaper, we explain how the M10 platform can be used to implement the Regulated Liabilities Network (RLN), a concept first articulated by Tony McLaughlin at Citi. While Mr. McLaughlin states that “...creation of such networks may seem a pipe dream...”, this paper is intended to be a companion to the Citi Paper and demonstrate how a seeming pipe dream can be realized today. If the Citi Paper describes the “What” of RLN, this paper explains our vision of the “How”.

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M10 Security

The M10 Platform delivers a high level of performance, availability, and security. To do this, M10 needs to mitigate several attack vectors while maintaining extremely high throughput. Here we describe how.

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M10 Performance Report

This paper describes, and explains performance characterstics and performance test methodology of the M10 system.

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System overview of the M10 platform

With feedback from banks, bank governors, and finance experts, M10 designed a turnkey solution that works with central banks and commercial financial institutions for CBDC and payment modernization solutions. The whitepaper explains the key components and payment flows.

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Payments Modernization Through Deep Payments Innovation

Today’s payment infrastructure has failed to keep up with the evolving needs of a global, always on economy. Payments can be slow, insecure, vulnerable to money laundering and financing of illegal or illicit activities. The old infrastructure requires frequent manual intervention for payments to be completed. This paper describes how to solve today's payments inefficiencies with payments modernization.

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